Way too much love tour

The Way too much love crew came through Madison today. Check out their live updates on be-mag! Anyways, they got in last night and spent the night at my house. We woke up around 11 and were out by 12 to blade. It rained which was a bummer but still managed to get some shit done. I had a blast chilling with all the guys and watching some great skating. I took a few pictures throughout the day, nothing major though. Click for bigger!

Jon Jon Bolino- Bank to true soul full cab to flat

Chris Farmer- bank to switch TTA to bank

Brett Dasovic- 360 topsoul

Aaron Peterson- True makio

Brett Dasovic- Switch AO topsoul full cab in

Aaron Peterson- AO fish

Michael Garlinghouse- Stale 180

Michael Garlinghouse- 540


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